SIVA Infographic Competition


What is an infographic?

Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.They can improve cognition by utilising graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends (Wikipedia).

Examples below:


We are looking to create snappy engaging single page summaries of topics and themes related to TIVA.

We have created 3 examples to demonstrate the concept see gallery

All TIVA related topics are welcome. The aim is to provide something for everyone with content being pitched at novices, intermediate and advanced users.

House Style:

If using powerpoint select: “Letter Paper” Landscape Width: 25.4 cm height 19.05 cm Font Avenir Include the template footer (click to download template)


We recommend using powerpoint for ubiquity but other programs dedicated to infographic design exist The latest version of powerpoint has an extensive icon library: Insert » Icons

A mix of text, icons and images/diagrams is recommended Embed QR codes to sign post to useful resources or refs QR generator